​Berenbaum, Michael. The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. Print.  

Black, Peter. “Some Thoughts on Problems in U.S. Policy During the Era of the Holocaust.” PowerPoint presentation. Florida Holocaust Museum, St. Petersburg, Fl. 12 June 2013.

Clark, James C. 200 Quick Looks at Florida History. Sarasota: Pineapple Pres, 2000. Print. 

Dunn, Hampton.  Yesterday's St. Petersburg.  Miami: Seemann Publishing, Inc., 1973. Print.

Stark, Brandy Buchanan. Progress of Acculturation: Faculty Perceptions at Florida State and Community Colleges. Diss. Barry University, 2010. Print. 

Florida Holocaust Museum, St. Petersburg.  Please check the Education tab and testimonial sections of the website.  Location:  www.flholocaustmuseum.org

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has another tremendous repository of articles and resources:  http://www.ushmm.org/

Reflection journal based on the seminar: 